Visitor's Cafetaria
Well stocked café offering proprietary snack packets, tetra packed beverages, hot snacks, mini meals, fresh fruit & juices, pastries, cookies, ice creams for children's & Hot Tea, Coffee all 24 Hrs.A separate meal for patients caretakers are prepared & served at the room depending on House-Policy. Value for money & quick turn around is what we focus on, attracting more visitors & creating happy feeling for patients.
Measuring Patients Satisfaction Level with Food Services
Use of logistic regression model in measuring PSL.
We believe there is positive relationship between higher patient food satisfaction & patients loyalty to healthcare providers.
Patients satisfied with food services co-operate & follow medical advisers than unsatisfied patients.
Good food service in a hospital is an important component & employee satisfaction go hand in hand. Increase in employee satisfaction are associated with increase in patient satisfaction.
Bridging the gaps that exist between perceptions & expectations to improve the quality of meal service for the purpose of maximizing patient satisfaction & ultimately aiding in patient recovery.